Tuesday 15 December 2015

The Journey … contd

… almost 7 years down the road of marriage and 2 kids after, wow!!! Life feels good. Hubby and I are getting along more by the day. Yeah! Prayer works and patience is a must-have for every wife I guess.

I want to hear about the journey of other women like myself who are rocking their world juggling career, home etc … please share…

Till next time, #kisses

Thursday 12 November 2015

The journey

Did marriage shock me? Oh yes! it did…

I guess I had read too much as a child and was actually expecting so much from my Knight in shining Armor.  Soon as we got our apartment, I struggled with being a mom, wife & career woman. 

Hubby and I will fight almost every day like we are enemies about the most unimaginable thing. I wondered why I should cook or clean when I should be resting. Thankfully, we lived close to mom and she helped to care for our daughter while I was at work. I used to get tired easily and would break down and cry (even in the office),

I wondered how life could be so cruel to me. Everyone around me were not doing enough to help me as far as I was concern. I would wonder how women were able to juggle career with raising kids and still be a dutiful wife.

i will continue from here next time

Monday 26 October 2015

More time!!!

I am trying to embrace myself and show more love to myself & the people around me. I want to talk about my life as a mom and wife, the lessons I have learnt and how it has further shaped me into the woman I have become. I will be putting some of the things down as it comes to my head. So help me God. Let’s take this ride together… here we go !!..

let me start with my marriage lessons...