Thursday 12 November 2015

The journey

Did marriage shock me? Oh yes! it did…

I guess I had read too much as a child and was actually expecting so much from my Knight in shining Armor.  Soon as we got our apartment, I struggled with being a mom, wife & career woman. 

Hubby and I will fight almost every day like we are enemies about the most unimaginable thing. I wondered why I should cook or clean when I should be resting. Thankfully, we lived close to mom and she helped to care for our daughter while I was at work. I used to get tired easily and would break down and cry (even in the office),

I wondered how life could be so cruel to me. Everyone around me were not doing enough to help me as far as I was concern. I would wonder how women were able to juggle career with raising kids and still be a dutiful wife.

i will continue from here next time